WG 5.6 – Human Metal Model (HMM) Device Testing

Working Group Chair:
Co-Chairs: Mirko Scholz, Infineon Technologies; Robert Ashton

Related Documents

  • The WG reviewed the results of the ongoing multi-lab round-robin testing, to understand whether the use of ESD guns and HMM Pulsers provide the same results. The ESD gun results were consistent across all participating labs, while the results obtained with the HMM pulsers were less consistent across the participating labs. Additional data is being collected and the WG will continue to analyze the results further. The WG discussed whether source impedance measurements should be done on the ESD guns used in our multi-lab testing round, to better understand the results. This will be discussed further in future meetings.

  • The committee finalized planning of multi-lab experiments. The main goal of the experiments is to demonstrate the repeatability and reproducibility of HMM failure levels when using the setup of ESD SP5.6-2019. The WG also discussed possible updates to ESD SP5.6-2019 to make it more useful to the industry.

  • The working group provided an overview on current multi-lab experiments. The main goals of these experiments are to demonstrate the repeatability and reproducibility of HMM failure levels when using the setup of ANSI/ESD SP5.6-2019. Experiments are expected to start soon. The working group also discussed the future of HMM and the working group.

  • The WG reviewed the results of the multi-lab round robin testing.  The ESD results appeared to be consistent across all the participating labs, which was different from previous studies.  The results obtained on the different HMM pulsers were less consistent across the participating labs, which was unexpected.  Additional data is expected, and results will be further analyzed.

    Source impedance measurements on the ESD guns used in the multi-lab testing was discussed.  Further data may be required.    

  • The WG reviewed the purpose of the ongoing multi-lab round-robin testing, as the question arose as to whether the results would be beneficial. Currently, some data still needs to be collected by a few sites, and new interested participants are welcome to join in the testing.

  • The WG reviewed the status of the contributions to the TR that is currently under development, highlighting some of the work done with the committee until now.

  • The WG is presently working on ESD TR5.6-01, which summarizes the knowledge collected in WG 5.6 throughout the years, including a summary of all round-robin/testing carried out. No further experiments are currently planned. It is the intention that WG 5.6 goes dormant after the TR has been published.

  • The WG reviewed the status of the TR being written and adjudicated comments from two reviewers.

    • Section on frequency response to be added by the end of October.
    • The WG decided to update the TR with existing comments and add the missing section before sending it out for more review, hopefully with more WG participation.

    It was decided that after the TR is sent to TAS, the WG will review ESD SP5.6 to see if any updates are needed before the WG goes dormant once the TR is completed and published.

  • The WG reviewed the status of TR5.6-02-2X, which has undergone a TAS (Technical Advisory Subcommittee) review. An industry contributor requested and was granted permission to review the document, providing comments and suggestions, some of which involved advanced measurement techniques. It was decided to postpone incorporating these suggestions until after the TAS review to avoid delaying the document's progress. However, this will necessitate at least a second review by TAS.

    The group also discussed the potential development of a document regarding using 50-ohm Human Metal Model (HMM) pulse sources. A WG member presented data from HMM pulse sources. Waveforms were compared to each other and to the analytical expression from IEC 61000-4-2. Despite extensive discussion, it was decided against pursuing a document specifically for 50-ohm HMM sources due to low anticipated industry adoption.

  • The working group reviewed the status of their TR on lessons learned, discussing TAS comments and feedback from an industry reviewer. The writing team provided an overview of the adjudication process for these comments and will determine if a full working group virtual meeting is necessary for further discussion. Once all comments are adjudicated, the TR will undergo a full review by the working group. Additionally, it was decided to include a brief section on advanced measurement techniques in response to feedback from the industry reviewer.

  • Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews:

    • Review of the status of TR5.6-02 and decisions on TAS comments
    • Explain the reason for 10 zaps for ESD Generator and 1 for the HMM Pulse Source
      • Smaller step size for HMM pulse sources
      • HMM SP should really call for 1 zap since it is not on a powered device
    • Confusion over ESD Generator and HMM Pulse Source
      • Will add definitions for the two stress sources
    • Need for more explanation of variability in 2011 RR
      • Will add sentence(s) to explain the possible interpretation of failure and include a device that failed for other than thermal damage
    • Will not add an Annex on additional measurement techniques


  • The WG reviewed the planning and setup of multi-lab experiments. The main goals of these experiments are to demonstrate the repeatability and reproducibility of HMM failure levels when using the setup in ESD SP5.6.

  • Summary of meeting activities: 

    The WG defined and agreed on a new multi lab testing round robin. Work on the peak temperature analysis methodology was applied to RF pins stressed with system-level ESD stress.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The WG discussed samples for continued experiments to investigate an energy correction factor for ESD guns and HMM pulse sources. A presentation was given on calibration issues in using both the old and new versions of the current measurement targets in IEC 61000-4-2. Another presentation was given on waveform captures from a variety of ESD gun RC networks from IEC 61000-4-2, ISO 10605, and SAE J1455 A94.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation was given on the gun correction factor K. New experiments will be conducted using the gun correction factor in multiple labs using a single lab procedure in which voltage and current waveforms are captured during device stress. A new technical report is planned to focus on issues concerning repeatability and reproducibility when performing HMM testing using ESD Guns. IEC standard IEC61000-4-2 is currently being revised so members are planning a joint task team to input on the new revisions.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation by given to introduce a correction factor for ESD guns based on total energy in a resistive load allowing conversion of the HMM voltage to ideal IEC voltage showing promising results by reducing the gun by gun variation. More insight was given through two presentations to the WG on power spectral density (PSD) of ESD guns. One presentation showed the results regarding HMM testing of RF parts and parts failing due to power differences in the certain frequency band of the ESD gun discharge pulse. The other presentation showed the PSD from a nominal IEC HMM 1 kV pulse and an idea for noise reduction for an HMM discharge pulse. Real HMM human discharge pulses were shown in a presentation to give a better understanding that real human HMM discharge pulses differs from HMM standard pulse defined in the HMM standard.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation was given on the frequency behavior of ESD guns. Besides devices failing for Peak current or total energy some RF devices fail due to increased energy within a certain frequency band. From the HMM verification waveform the power spectral density was calculated for different guns from the new single device experiment. A presentation was also given on a proposal for scaling ESD gun voltages. First attempt is to establish a way to adjust voltage between guns and to IEC ideal waveform for devices failing for total energy. Idea will be checked with the data from the new single device study. A writing team will begin writing a technical report to explain in more detail differences in testing for reproducibility and repeatability using guns for device testing. A proposal for the outline of the document will be written and discussed within the writing team before the next meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An update was given about the single lab experiment, with 3 presentations

    • “IEC 61000-4-2 Calibration Targets” looked at solving the total energy problem between old and new style targets
    • “Fail Results on TSPD Modules” explained the different between the data of 2009 round robin and the 2018 single lab experiment
    • “HMM Pulser Characterization of ON Semiconductor TSPD Device” expanded the single lab experiment data with TLP and HMM pulser data

    The working group discussed the next steps for the document including expanding single lab experiments with other devices (diodes, TVS, RF switches), looking for differences in guns (frequency response), and possibly using filtering for improving the discharge current behavior of ESD guns. The group plans to

    write a technical report to explain in more detail differences in test for reproducibility and repeatability using guns for device testing.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated comments from the STDCOM vote and made changes to address the no votes. Document will be resent to the working group for additional review. A presentation was given about the first results from the single lab experiment on the same TSPD device from the round robin in 2011. Results showed less than 4% difference between labs and 1% difference between same type of gun for failure levels. Standard deviation for the failing levels is almost 2 times smaller than for the round robin from 2011.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The WG adjudicated STDCOM vote comments on ESD WIP5.6 and technical changes were made. For the new single lab experiment additional ESD guns were secured to re-investigate the repeatability of the ESD guns on the TSPD samples remaining from the first-round robin. The single lab experiment will be extended with RF protection circuits to further evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of the IEC stress from the ESD guns.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group adjudicated TAS comments on the revision of ESD WIP5.6. The document will be distributed to members for additional review prior to the September face-to-face meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the status of ESD WIP5.6 and proposed changes from the 2009 version to better reflect expected usage of the document. There was also a discussion on the working group’s status and future direction. There was general agreement that there is a need for a standardized method for stressing semiconductor devices with an IEC 61000-4-2 current stress and an updated version of ANSI/ESD SP5.6 will fill that need. In the near future the working group will conduct a single lab experiment on a TSPD sample to determine if the same samples, which yielded poor results in the original round robin, can provide repeatable results when the experiments are conducted at a single laboratory with multiple ESD guns and HMM pulse sources.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An introduction to the working group was presented for guests including the history and latest achievements. The working group discussed the changes to ESD WIP5.6 that were completed between meeting series by the writing team. 

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee was given a report on the additional measurement data from single lab testing experiments that was collected between meetings. There was a discussion on how to proceed with the five-year review of ANSI/ESD SP5.6. The WG decided to start revising the document with a goal to publish before January 2020.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An introduction of the working group’s documents and on-going activities was presented. A short update on single lab testing at a German lab and planned edits to ANSI/ESD SP5.6 during the five-year review cycle was also discussed. A presentation was given on source impedance measurements with a 50-ohm HMM pulser based tester.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed the next steps and changes needed to reaffirm ANSI/ESD SP5.6 prior to the completion of the round robin testing. The WG decided to address only the most serious issues with the current ANSI/ESD SP5.6. A presentation was given on a comparison of HMM stressing of TVS devices at two locations using three ESD guns of two types. It was found that the difference in the failure levels between the two types of guns could be explained by the difference in energy deposited in the TVS from calculations based on the current waveforms.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed a brief history of activities and development of ANSI/ESD SP5.6-2009. The progress of current single lab testing was discussed; there is one site that needs to complete testing. The committee discussed the next steps and changes needed to reaffirm ANSI/ESD SP5.6 prior to the completion of the round robin testing.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed what is required to elevate ANSI/ESD SP5 to a standard test method; this will increase user confidence in the HMM test method. A new round robin will need to be completed with six or more labs. The committee also discussed if system-level failure levels should be added on datasheets and what would the information look like. It was decided that the round robin needs to be successfully completed first before the information is placed on a datasheet.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The past and current WG activities and documents were introduced to the new participants. The draft presentation for the 2016 EOS/ESD Symposium was presented to the attendees. Discussions were held on the practical issues that the working group is facing in the effort to redesignate ANSI/ESD SP5.6 to a standard test method.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The WG reviewed the status of the accepted 2016 Symposium paper being presented by committee members. Testing will continue in an effort to identify the variables that affected the original round robin testing.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The reviewed the current status of an EOS/ESD Symposium paper abstract being written on the test results of the single site/lab testing that has been completed by WG members. Current testing data was reviewed and discussed as well.