WG 17.0 – Process Assessment

Working Group Chair:
Co-Chairs: Wolfgang Stadler, Intel Germany Services GmbH; Reinhold Gaertner, Infineon Technologies AG

Related Documents

  • The WG had a discussion on topics of ANSI/ESD SP17.1 “ESD Process Assessment Methodologies in Electronic Production Lines – Best Practices used in Industry” for Revision 2 which is ongoing.

    Subjects like bandwidth of oscilloscopes and estimation of CDM peak currents based on product capacitances were discussed. Members felt that the capacitance values should be based on information in ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-002 and discussion and studies within the CDM JWG.

  • The working group decided to include the resistance measurements from ANSI/ESD SP10.1 - Automated Handling Equipment in the next version of ANSI/ESD SP17.1. Additional technical topics to add to the next revision was also discussed including possible adding a report template for process assessment. A new technical report will be created on measurement of CDM-related ESD characteristics within an automated process or equipment. A new standard practice will be developed on EMI/EOS process assessment.

  • The working group agreed to develop a slide set to introduce ANSI/ESD SP17.1 and give guidance on how the methodology described in the document can be applied to typical assessment tasks. The working group reviewed a work statement for a new standard practice, ESD SP17.2, on process assessment of electrical disturbances. The work statement will be submitted to TAS for review and approval. The group discussed technical topics to include in the next revision of ANSI/ESD SP17.1 The group also discussed what content from ANSI/ESD SP10.1 will be moved to ANSI/ESD SP17.1 in the next revision. The group is working on a new technical report ESD TR17.0-02.

  • The WG had a discussion on topics of SP17.1 “ESD Process Assessment Methodologies in Electronic Production Lines – Best Practices used in Industry” for Revision 2 which is ongoing.  WG agreed on proposed new flow descriptions of process assessment. Equipment grounding Sections of ANSI/ESD SP10.1 “Measurement and ESD Control Issues for Automated Equipment Handling of ESD Sensitive Devices Below 100 Volts” will be included in SP17.1 Revision 2.

    An outline of SP17.2 “Process Assessment of Electrical Disturbances” was presented; designation as TR or SP is still open; will have a similar structure as TR17.0-01 (explain methodology, measurements, and assessment by means of published examples).

    ANSI/ESD SP17.1 was submitted to IEC as PAS and as IEC 61340-5-6 as Technical Specification, review of national committees of IEC and outcome of IEC meeting in June 2022 will be discussed in September ESDA meeting series.

  • The WG discussed comments from IEC TC101 review on the committee draft (CD) of IEC/TS 61340-5-6 (IEC version of ANSI/ESD SP17.1). The discussion turned to whether these comments should be included in ANSI/ESD SP17.1 Rev. 2. A presentation was given on measurements of contact resistances of several different materials, showing the DC resistance and resistance under ESD conditions can be significantly different. The study is relevant for objects contacting ESDS items. Results will have an impact on almost all ESD process assessment flows in ANSI/ESD SP17.1. A writing team was established to review and incorporate this information.

  • The WG discussed updates and remaining open technical changes to ANSI/ESD SP17.1 Rev. 2. Document is to be updated for the first WG review until May 2023. A draft of the slide set on “How to use SP17.1” was presented, content modifications discussed and agreed on, and work will continue on this effort between meetings and discussed in virtual meetings if required.

  • The WG reviewed the status and next steps of ESD WIP17.2 and introductory slide sets. The WG agreed to start work on another technical report focusing on the application of flow and methods of ANSI/ESD SP17.1 to process steps with die-to-die interfaces. A presentation was given on CDM discharge measurements in process equipment. The approach would be beneficial for ANSI/ESD SP17.1 assessment flows, so work will continue.

  • The WG reviewed the final proposed technical changes in ANSI/ESD SP17.1 Rev. 2. Approach for determination of “contact resistance” was decided on. A presentation was given on alternative risk assessment methods of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Results could be added in future revision of ANSI/ESD SP17.1.

  • The committee adjudicated comments in ANSI/ESD SP17.1 Rev. 2 from the final WG review; one technical concern remains, which requires clarification.

  • During the meeting, the working group (WG) decided on the introduction slide set for ANSI/ESD SP17.1. Additionally, they deliberated on the feasibility of a new standard practice (SP) focused on "Process Assessment of Electrical Disturbances," distinguishing it from SEMI E178, and explored potential collaborations. It was suggested that the scope of the SP should be narrowed down. A final decision regarding the document and its scope is scheduled for the September meeting. Furthermore, the WG discussed potential topics for a new technical report (TR) concerning the application of SP17.1 to process assessments in various contexts, such as process steps involving die-to-die interfaces, and volunteers were assigned for further exploration.

  • Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews during the most recent WG meeting.

    • ANSI/ESD SP17.1 Rev. 2:
      • Discussion of TAS review including comments accepted by IEC TC101 WG5, total 214 comments
      • 12 comments completed, further adjudication in virtual meetings
    • Slide set “How to use SP17.1” completed, next step: create script
    • ANSI/ESD SP17.2 “Process Assessment of Electrical Disturbances”:
      • Some items are covered under SEMI Document E176. WG agrees that doubling effort is not desirable.
      • Need to re-discuss the scope and contents of the SP document.
    • Technical Report on Application of ANSI/ESD SP17.1:
      • Will be a teaching document on how to accomplish ANSI/ESD SP17.1 assessments
      • Reviewed and agreed on the basic outline of the document content
      • Document timeline: Inputs due by end of January 2025
    • TR17.0-02 “Measurements And Detection of ESD Events”: currently on hold
  • The working group discussed updates and additions to the next revision of ANSI/ESD SP17.1. EMI and EOS topics will be addressed in a new document. A writing team has been established for revising ANSI/ESD SP10.1. Resistance measurements from ANSI/ESD SP10.1 - Automated Handling Equipment will be included in the next version of ANSI/ESD SP17.1. Charge accumulation measurements will remain in the next version of ANSI/ESD SP10.1. A writing team proposed a new TR on measuring CDM-related ESD characteristics within an automated process or equipment based on recent technical presentations and work.

  • Summary of meeting activities: 

    The working group decided on next steps and some content updates and additions to the next revision of ANSI/ESD SP17.1. Writing Teams were established to merge ANSI/ESD SP10.1 “Automated Handling Equipment” in the next revision of ANSI/ESD SP17.1 and complete the development on a new document on measurement of CDM-related ESD characteristics within an automated process or equipment”.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group adjudicated STDCOM VBM comments on ESD WIP17.1. The document will be submitted for STDCOM recirculation vote and industry review before the July meeting series. The five-year revision to ANSI/ESD SP10.1 has been suspended and the applicable content will be incorporated into the next revision of ESD WIP17.1.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group adjudicated TAS comments on ESD WIP17.1-2019. The document will be submitted for STDCOM VBM before the April meeting series. Editorial changes made by the writing team to ANSI/ESD SP10.1 during the five-year review were reviewed by the committee. The document will be submitted for reaffirmation before the April meeting series.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group reviewed and discussed technical member comments on ESD WIP17.1. The document will be sent to TAS for review between meeting series. A task team was created to start the five-year review of ANSI/ESD SP10.1.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group reviewed new edits to ESD WIP17.1. Proposed slides for new complimentary online webinar titled “ESD Risk Assessment of Handlers” were reviewed. Further review and discussion will happen at the September 2019 meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group discussed and agreed on concepts of discussions for ESD robustness and parameter limits in ESD WIP17.1. The WG will review the document between meetings and is expected to submit to TAS for review in late 2019. Proposed slides for new complimentary online webinar titled “ESD Risk Assessment of Handlers” will be reviewed and finalized by the September 2019 meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group agreed on the overall new structure of ESD WIP17.1 and the addition of new sections on defining process assessment parameter limits. The document will be distributed to the working group for review before the April face-to-face meeting. A draft presentation for a new free online training was also reviewed and will continue to be discussed at the April meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A discussion was held on whether or not and how to include parameter limits in ESD WIP17.1. Changes will be made to the document and sent to the working group members for review. Further discussions were held and changes were made to other parts of the document; member feedback will be considered at the winter virtual meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee continued reviewing changes to the working draft of ESD WIP17.1 based on working group member comments. The group will continue working on the document at the September face-to-face meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee discussed and approved changes to the working draft of ESD WIP17.1 based on working group member comments. The group will continue working on the document in future meeting series. A presentation was made on a proposal for assessment of CDM risk and the information will be added to the current document.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group reviewed and approved changes to the new standard practice document, ESD WIP17.1, based on discussion at the 2017 September face-to-face meeting. Continued discussions are planned for the April face-to-face meeting and the summer virtual meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee continued discussions on open technical issues in ESD WIP17.1 0 – process assessment techniques. The document is expected to be submitted to the Technical and Administrative Support committee by the end of the year. The committee also worked on an outline for a complimentary online tutorial for “ESD Risk assessment of Handlers” (based on ANSI/ESD SP10.1.).

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee completed discussions and decisions on further assessment flow and measurement techniques based on ESD event detectors in the new standard practice being developed. The committee also continued discussion on integration of ESD WIP10.2 on measurement of CDM related ESD characteristics within automated process equipment. Further discussion is planned for the January 2018 virtual meeting series.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group completed discussions and decisions on open technical issues in a new standard practice. A sub-committee was formed to begin developing a free online class on “ESD Risk assessment of Handlers”, based on ANSI/ESD SP10.1. The working group also started discussing the status of a document on measurement of CDM related ESD characteristics within automated process equipment.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group discussed a proposal for a new technical report on labels/tapes. Working group members will help to provide additional measurements/analysis and publication of work is planned for presentation at the 2017 EOS/ESD Symposium - Manufacturing Track. The current status of ESD WIP17.1 was reviewed. The working group discussed a new proposal of exemplary ESD risk assessment flow on personnel and definition of limits (e.g., charging voltage). Further discussion will be held at the next meeting.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group made good progress towards the completion of ESD WIP17.1 – a standard practice on ESD process assessment. Several new sections were reviewed and approved. The document is expected to be submitted to the Technical and Administrative Support committee in spring 2017.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The current status of the new standard practice ESD WIP17.1 was discussed and the next steps of development process were reviewed. A discussion was started regarding some updates on ESD process assessment flows and will be continued at the September meeting.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee continued to work on a new standard practice that includes measurement techniques and process assessment measurement flow. A presentation was given on EOS measurements and mitigation vs. conventional methodology.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    ESD TR17.0-01-16 was published in January. The committee reviewed proposed outline, content, and length of measurements for annex in new standard practice document.