WG 26.0 – System ESD Modeling

Working Group Chair:
Steffen Holland, Nexperia

Related Documents

  • The WG Chair updated the group on the status of ESD TR26.0-01 “System-Level Modeling”. The discussions then shifted to verification data creation methods. Other discussions revolved around how the ESD models can be verified.

  • An update was given on a modular PCB approach for validation. The group finalized revisions to ESD TR26.0-01 and an update was given on ESD TR26.0-02.

  • The working group reviewed the status of ESD TR26-01. Quasistatic models will be included in the first revision and dynamic models will be added in the next revision. There is also a plan to add fail flags in models. The group also discussed the second technical report ESD TR26-02.

  • WG focused on finals comments on the review of TR26.01 “System Level Modeling” prior to moving the document forward.   

    The draft for TR26.02 “For Quasi-Static Model Definition – Building Models” was also reviewed.  Changes are to be made before the draft is sent to the entire working group for review.

  • The WG reviewed comments on ESD TR26.0-01 and an update was provided on the status of ESD TR26.0-02. A presentation was given, and there was a discussion about the next steps for the WG.

  • A presentation of CAN System Level measurements was given – an automatic routine for fitting parameters for SEED models was part of the presentation. The group discussed the next steps for SEED simulation. The final comments from TAS on ESD TR26.02 were discussed.

  • The WG discussed the status of the new technical reports being developed. A presentation on modeling of TVS protection device with two different approaches and comparison of system measurements and simulation results for CAN applications. There was another discussion on ways to speed up the progress by pooling some company funding to support TU Graz with measurement and simulation.

  • The tasks involve presenting the current measurement status of the CAN application for TR26.02 revised, along with the current measurement and simulation status of the USB3 application for TR26.02. Additionally, volunteers need to be recruited for various chapters of the revised TR26.02.

  • Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews during the most recent WG meeting.

    • Presentation of measurements needed for TR26.02 revised
      • CAN application: with and without Common Mode Choke
        • Combination of IC with TVS is still missing
      • USB3 application with a snapback IC à measurements are complete
  • A presentation was given on a quasi-static model to evaluate if the exchange format works. An update was given on a modular PCB approach for validation. The status of ESD TR26.0-01 and ESD TR26.0-02 was also reviewed.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The group reviewed the status of current modeling and modular board approach for verification activities, as well as chose applications for the model application.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    Presentations were given on modeling activities of discrete ESD devices and a new board which allows to model an application with IC and external ESD protection device on a board. The current status of ESD TR26.0-01 was also reviewed.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee review changes to ESD TR26.0-01 based on TAS comments and held a discussion on dynamic models.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee continued adjudicating TAS comments on two new technical reports.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed TAS comments on two new technical reports ESD TR26.0-01 and ESD TR26.0-02. Presentations were given on work concerning dynamic models of devices including USB3 board measurement results and on how to build a transient device model.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group completed final updates to two technical reports and will send the documents to TAS for review before the April meeting series. A discussion was held on the USB3 measurements and simulation objectives.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the status of documents currently being developed on model implementations and general description modifications. Two documents are expected to be submitted to TAS before the January meeting series. The group also discussed future collaboration with IEC TC47 on an IC model for pulse immunity (including ESD) document. Work will continue on another document focused on dynamic modelling on the component.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    An overview on the history and current activities of committee were presented. The group then began organizing a round robin for USB3 transient modelling.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation was given on a transient spice model for system level ESD modeling that also introduced the USB 3 test board for verification of the model as well as how to perform the measurements. This board will be used in a multi laboratory study on developing transient ESD models for system level ESD simulation. The status of the laboratories to participate in the experiments to prove in the modeling methodology was reviewed and one new laboratory and one potential new laboratory were recruited to join the multi lab experiment. It was decided that a procedure for developing the transient models should be written so the working group will decide in future meetings if the document should be a technical report or standard practice.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group reviewed the new document on building models for SEED. The document is expected to be submitted to the technical and advisory support committee before the April meeting series. The group also completed a brief review of the main draft document describing why the working group decided to start with measurements and validations. There was also a discussion on transient models. It has been decided to start collecting measurements on a common USB3 board to evaluate dynamic models of the various partners. A proposed board was presented by a meeting attendee.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    A presentation was given on a document for “building models for SEED”. The document will be distributed to working group members for review and discussion at the September meeting series. A presentation was given on a snapback model for Spice simulation that includes overshoot and dynamic modeling. Further discussion will be held at the September face-to-face meeting.  

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed sections of a new technical report on system level ESD modeling. A presentation was given on “TVS modeling project and USB IO SEED Modeling”.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The history and goals of the committee were presented. The committee reviewed sections of a new technical report on system level ESD modeling. Further review and discussion on the document is needed by the working group prior to the April meeting series.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed a new technical report concerning the actual measurement campaign. There are concerns regarding the complexity of building a simulation of the models; a new document will be written to address the concerns. Another technical report is being written to address TLP format for SEED. Two presentations related to TLP format for SEED were given and a decision was made to extract the parameters for SEED to TLP.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed the current outline and progress on a new technical report regarding measurement and simulation campaign to validate SEED modeling. The objectives and outline of the document were presented, including validating the approach of performing TLP measurement to build models, providing models in different languages, and specifying the most common error in building models and how to avoid them. A discussion on the current action of TLP format for SEED modeling was discussed; the objective is to identify first what are the parameters needed to build models that can be extracted from TLP.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The WG continued the discussion started during the WG5.5 meeting regarding data format exchange from TLP to build SEED models. A subcommittee has been formed to gather relevant information.

    The committee continued discussions regarding a collaboration effort with IEC Technical Committee TC47 to develop a standard for pulse immunity models that defines the non-linear-model and the exchange format already developed by IEC – CIML (xml format dedicated to EMC modeling).

    A presentation was given on current simulation testing underway that shows quasi static prediction with no external elements is easy; when external elements are added, the lack of transient information into the model shows important mismatches. Powered supply measurements have been done and exhibit different behavior depending on the output configuration (standby, normal or low power mode). The information will be presented at IEW 2016.