WG 11.0 – Packaging

Working Group Chair:
David Swenson, Affinity Static Control Consulting, LLC

Related Documents

  • The WG reviewed a summary of box shielding test data collected so far and next steps were discussed. The group reviewed the status of inclined plane round robin testing.

  • The working group reviewed a detailed analysis regarding the shielding test method and box testing. The group discussed the status of the inclined plane round-robin.

  • The WG focused on adjudicating comments received on the WIP11.11 “Surface Resistance Measurement of Planar Materials document”.

    Review of the S11.4 “Static Control Bags” document led to some comments on test methods from Military and Industry. A small team was formed to review the information and suggest a plan on advancing the document forward.  

    S541 “Packaging Materials” is up for its 5-year review.  This review has been started and a task team was formed to review Low Charging and box shielding to determine what may need to be changed in the next revision.  

  • WG discussed whether to reaffirm ANSI/ESD S11.4 as is, and a decision was made to reaffirm the document. WG discussed whether to add an informative Annex to the documents ANSI/ESD S541 and ANSI/ESD S11.31 regarding the interpretation of the energy waveform. The WG also discussed the status of inclined plane round-robin and box shielding task teams for revisions to ANSI/ESD S541. There was some discussion on forming a task team to put together the comparison of the concentric ring and parallel bar electrodes for surface resistance. It was also mentioned that the WG needs to start /continue reviewing the packaging section of ESD TR20.20.

  • The WG Assignment of leaders to maintain standards and standard test methods was discussed. The WG briefly reviewed box shielding test results – some European labs have not completed testing. There was discussion regarding low charging – inclined plane testing. Some concerns about what the test tells the user. There was also a discussion regarding the DoD adoption of markings from S8.1.

  • The low charging task team discussed the incline plane testing. Only one lab has performed the testing so far. There was a discussion on the low charging requirement in Table 1 of ANSI/ESD S541.

    Comments on ANSI/ESD STM11.31 was reviewed by the WG. A normative annex will be added with the test waveforms from each discharge.

  • The WG discussed the inclusion spring loaded concentric ring probes in ANSI/ESD 11.11 and ANSI/ESD STM11.12. The committee also discussed including an informational appendix on the application of a two-point probe with examples. The suggestion was to include this information in TR20.20. There was also a discussion on adding a normative appendix for waveforms on ANSI/ESD STM11.31. Older systems may not have waveforms to display. Is this a pass/fail requirement even if the energy penetration meets the requirements? This may point to a possible manufacturing issue. Possible as an informational appendix for now. There was a general consensus that the inclined plane test would not yield any useful results. Updating ADV11.2 would be useful at this time.

  • The committee worked on the five-year review of ANSI/ESD STM11.31 and ANSI/ESD S541. ADV11.2 was opened for discussion and review; may convert to an SP. The group terminated task teams for inclined plane and box shielding tests.

  • The committee reviewed TAS's requested changes to ESD WIP541, agreeing to move low charging to an annex due to a lack of approved test methods. Similarly, for ESD WIP11.31, the group agreed to revise and restructure the test method, recognizing that this would require significant time and effort.

  • Summary of discussions/activities/document reviews during the most recent WG meeting.

    • Finishing review of revisions to S541 and STM11.31
    • Initiated new project to investigate concentric ring electrode variations and compare to parallel bar electrodes
    • Restarted review of ADV11.2 to update as it is needed for reference to S541
  • The committee adjudicated industry review comments on ESD DSTM11.11, ESD DSTM11.12, and ESD DSTM11.13. The documents will be submitted for publication. The non-ESD test methods in ANSI/ESD S11.4 will be reviewed to ensure all of the referenced methods and values are current and aligned with applicable military standards. The working group also reviewed a summary of box shielding test data collected so far. The group reviewed the status of inclined plane testing, discussed the distribution of cylinders, and requested additional materials. A presentation was given on the inclined plane method based on experimental work to show test method considerations.

  • Summary of meeting activities: 

    The committee reviewed the status of ANSI/ESD STM11.11, ANSI/ESD STM11.12, ANSI/ESD STM11.13, and ANSI/ESD S11.4. ANSI/ESD STM11.13 is currently out for industry review. The other documents will follow. After a committee survey regarding the future of ANSI/ESD S11.4, a decision was made to keep the document but set up a task team to review the test methods and specifications found in other documents to ensure accuracy. The box shielding task team is about halfway through testing program. The triboelectric task team is gathering samples to start round robin testing.


  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee finished reviewing TAS comments on ESD WIP11.4, ESD WIP11.11, ESD WIP11.12, and ESD WIP11.13. The documents will be submitted for STDCOM VBM following the meeting series. Updates were also given on the test data for box shielding and testing triboelectric properties using inclined planes.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee finished reviewing TAS comments on ESD WIP11.4. Then the group started reviewing TAS comments on ESD WIP11.11 and ESD WIP11.12. An update was also given on the test data for box shielding.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group discussed the status of the five-year reviews of ANSI/ESD STM11.11, ANSI/ESD STM 11.12, ANSI/ESD STM 11.13, and ANSI/ESD S11.4. The group reviewed a report of an attenuation study from the US Air Force. The lab still needs some additional volume conductive polymers in various thicknesses and conductive loading levels before the work can be completed. The committee discussed the inclined plane task team status. A test procedure will be circulated to the task team and some assistance is still needed in obtaining quartz, PTFE, and brass rollers. The task team needs to obtain film material samples for round robin testing at six labs. The working group then discussed the status of obtaining box samples for evaluation using ANSI/ESD STM11.31.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed task team progress on testing at WPAFB for electric field shielding and getting started with triboelectric study. Reviewed five-year review edits to ESD WIP11.11, ESD WIP11.12, and ESD WIP11.13. Documents expected to go to TAS between meeting series. A discussion was also held on the status of the ANSI/ESD S541 limited ballot currently out for STDCOM review.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed an industry comment on a discrepancy between ANSI/ESD S541 and ANSI/ESD S20.20 that resulted in a technical change to the document. It will be distributed for a limited ballot vote between meeting series. ANSI/ESD S11.4 was reviewed and updated during the five-year review cycle. The committee started the five-year reviews of ANSI/ESD 11.11, ANSI/ESD 11.12, and ANSI/ESD 11.13. Editorial changes are expected in each document. The status of task team activity on low charging and electric field shielding concerns were discussed.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group made minor edits during the five-year review of ANSI/ESD S11.4 so the document will be sent to TAS with a recommendation to reaffirm. An update was given by the e-field shielding task team which is proceeding with testing once samples are obtained. An update was also given by the low charging task team which is considering refining the inclined plane method and developing a standard practice.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee adjudicated industry comments on ESD DSTM11.31 and continued the five-year review of ANSI/ESD S11.4. A presentation was also given on considerations for applying ESD DSTM11.31 to cardboard boxes.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed the current status of documents currently under development including the publication of ANSI/ESD STM11.13 and ANSI/ESD S541. Discussions were held on additional updates needed in ANSI/ESD S541 including low charging and electric field shielding. The five-year review cycle for ANSI/ESD S11.4 was also started.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The committee reviewed and adjudicated industry review comments on ESD DS541 and ESD DSTM11.13. The documents will be submitted for publication. The group also reviewed and adjudicated consensus body comments on ESD WIP11.31. The document will be submitted for industry review. The committee also discussed the start of the five-year review for ANSI/ESD S11.4 and will review the document at the June virtual meeting.

  • Summary of meeting activities:

    The working group adjudicated all of the standards committee vote comments on ESD WIP541, ESD WIP11.31, and ESD WIP11.13LB. All three documents will move forward for industry review. There was a discussion regarding the five-year review of ANSI/ESD S11.4. The WG will continue discussions at the April face-to-face meeting; the expectation is the document will be recommended for reaffirmation. A discussion was also held on the possible revision of ESD ADV11.2. Suggestions include re-designating the document as a technical report and adding any new methods or procedures related to triboelectric testing since 1995.